Private Lessons
Whether your athlete is a rookie or seasoned baseball or softball player, our objective is to improve and enhance their skills, performance, overall athleticism, “Baseball IQ”, love for the game, confidence, and to build championship character.
We train year-round and work with athletes of all ages & skill levels from NCAA Division I to Community College, high school, travel ball, little league, preschool, and weekend or weeknight warriors. We also encourage our athletes to participate in other sports & activities while maximizing their opportunities to work on improving their baseball & softball skills throughout the year.
Provides hitting instruction from the ground up. Developing great hitters takes time, discipline, consistency, and quality practice habits. Our proven teaching methods and drills are designed to maximize improvement and performance.
Base Running
Home to home philosophy focuses on maximizing scoring runs by developing base running efficiency, instincts, intelligence, and pressuring the defense.
Baseball Only - Provides pitching instruction from the ground up. Focuses on pitching mechanics by efficiently using the lower half, torso, and upper half, emphasizing the proper kinetic sequence. Also emphasizes arm care & maintenance.
Focuses on teaching proper throwing mechanics to improve accuracy, build arm strength, improve footwork, and play better catch.
Focuses on improving fielding and range through footwork, glove-work, hand-eye coordination, and pre-pitch preparation. Move more efficiently, improve play making ability, play better catch, and increase baseball IQ & instincts.
Speed & Agility
Focuses on building explosiveness by improving speed & power with drills to improve footwork, acceleration & agility, get great jumps, enhance balance, and improve concentration.
Strength Training
Improve power, strength, body control, flexibility, range of motion, stamina, and endurance. Emphasizes Health & Wellness, Nutrition, and Recovery.
Online Training
Remote coaching in hitting, pitching, Throwing, and strength & conditioning. Eliminate excuses for distance and/or time. Lessons are 30 minutes or 1hr using Uplift Labs technology. A stable internet connection is required. A tripod for your device is also recommended.
Partner Lessons
Train with a friend or teammate, in hitting, fielding, pitching, speed & agility, and/or strength & conditioning. Partner lessons are for 2 participants.
Team Lessons
Hitting, Pitching, and Fielding lessons are provided. Coach Shaun will come to your practice or your team may train with us at 008 Training.
Online Lessons
Online lessons provide players with the opportunity to continue their training at an offsite location, whether the athlete is at home, a batting cage, or at a local park via remote coaching
Utilizes FaceTime or Skype technology. Attack and improve fundamentals, reinforce movement patterns, correct breakdowns, and enhance techniques to promote consistency
Focuses on hitting, pitching (baseball only), fielding, throwing, and strength & conditioning
Eliminates excuses of time, weather and/or distance, allowing athletes to continuously improve
Lessons are 30min for $60 or 1hr for $100
Video Swing Analysis:
Baseball and Softball video swing analysis provided via text message or email for $40.
Submit 3 videos of your swings (Profile/Side View, Back View, Front View if possible) from practice or in-game at-bats and we will provide a comprehensive review within 24 - 72hrs.
For all ages and skill levels from Little League, travel ball, high school, NCAA collegiate players, and weekend warriors.
Please use the ‘Book Swing Analysis’ button below to submit your request or you may also click @diamondkids to Venmo your request. Please be sure to include the mobile # for text or your email, along with $75 in your Venmo request you would like us to send your analysis to.
Online Hitting Classes
(Currently unavailable)
30min group hitting classes provided using Uplift Labs
Focuses on Balance, Timing, Swing Path/Plane, improving Rotational Power, Sequencing, and staying connected through the swing
Improve your ability to consistently hit the ball hard and far
30min sessions once per week: Dates/Times TBA
Sweaty Cap Workouts
(Currently unavailable)
30min online group workouts via Uplift Labs
Focuses on improving strength, agility, flexibility, range of motion, and body control by using the lower half, core, and upper half in a variety of dynamic exercises
Wear your cap (favorite/worst cap, current team, former team, etc) and be ready to sweat it up!
Anyone and any age may participate
Classes are held once per week: Dates/Times TBA
Young Sluggers Lessons
Ages 3-4
30 minutes for $55
30 minutes lesson packages (4 lessons) for $200
Buddy Lessons: 2 Players for $90 | 3 Players for $120 | 4 Players for $140 (Currently unavailable)
Lessons focus on the following:
Hitting - Introduces core principles of hitting a ball consistently utilizing the tee, soft toss, and live pitching
Fielding - Introduces fundamentals of footwork, hand positioning, tracking, and catching a ball
Throwing - Introduces fundamentals of consistently throwing a baseball with speed & accuracy
Base running/Running form/Speed & Agility
Athleticism - Developing footwork, dynamic movement, balance, timing, anticipation, power, and hand-eye coordination
Education - Incorporates our love for learning with numbers, letters, colors, and music
Player Evaluations
Our comprehensive analysis provides detailed insight into your athlete’s performance to help them improve their skills and production.
*Evaluations may be purchased for $150 each as an add-on to a 30min or 1hr lesson.
Player Evaluations include the following:
Written Report
Photo Analysis & Video to be shared with you
Blast Motion Sensor Data
Select from the following types of evaluations:
Hitting Analysis: Analyzes bat speed, time to contact, swing plane/path, attack angle, and more. Includes Blast Motion Sensor technology.
Pitching/Throwing Analysis: Analyzes Pitching/Throwing Mechanics
Fielding Analysis: Analyzes fielding mechanics, footwork, hand-eye coordination, and throwing strength & accuracy
Training Gear & Equipment:
Please bring the following to your lesson:
Batting Gloves
Baseball Glove
Athletic Clothing
Championship attitude!